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A História da Ticketmaster: Transformando a Experiência de Compra de Ingressos

The Ticketmaster Story: Transforming the Ticket Buying Experience

Going to shows and festivals is always a great option, but a negative point is the purchasing process. Ticket sales platforms usually charge an abusive amount in fees, making it difficult to access shows, concerts and festivals. In today's article, we will get to know Ticketmaster and understand how it still remains in the market after so long.

The history of Ticketmaster It's a fascinating journey that dates back to the early 1970s, when the entertainment industry began to realize the need for a more efficient system for selling tickets to live events. Since then, Ticketmaster has grown exponentially, becoming one of the most recognized and influential companies in the ticketing market.

The story

Tudo começou no dia 2 de outubro de 1976, quando dois jovens estudantes da universidade do Arizona, Albert Leffler e Peter Gadwa, juntamente com Gordon Gunn, um experiente homem de negócios e Charles H. Hamby Jr., fundaram na cidade de Phoenix a TICKETMASTER (em português algo como “Mestre dos Ingressos) com o objetivo de comercializar ingressos para eventos esportivos, musicais e culturais utilizando um eficiente sistema de computador.

The two students created the new company after being unhappy with the enormous difficulty in purchasing tickets for shows and shows. The new company established its first operation in the city of Albuquerque in the state of New Mexico. The first tickets sold by TICKETMASTER were for the Electric Light Orchestra's performance at the University of New Mexico in 1977.

Their vision was to create an automated system for ticket sales, replacing antiquated and often inefficient methods of distributing event tickets. Initially, the company focused on selling tickets to sporting and musical events.

Expansion and Innovation

In the following years, Ticketmaster expanded its operations and began partnering with venues and promoters to offer a wide range of tickets for a variety of live events. One of the keys to Ticketmaster's success was its innovative approach, which included introducing cutting-edge technologies to facilitate ticket purchasing, such as telephone sales systems and, later, online sales.

Merger with Live Nation

In 2010, Ticketmaster merged with Live Nation Entertainment, one of the largest live entertainment companies in the world. The merger resulted in the creation of an even greater powerhouse in the entertainment market, combining Ticketmaster's expertise in ticket sales with Live Nation's vast network of venues and events.

Challenges and Criticism

Despite its success, Ticketmaster has also faced criticism over the years, mainly related to the high service prices charged on top of the value of the tickets. These additional fees have often led to consumer complaints and even lawsuits.

Despite the challenges, Ticketmaster continued to innovate and evolve. In recent years, the company has expanded its global presence and introduced new technologies to improve the customer experience, such as mobile apps and digital tickets. Additionally, Ticketmaster has been exploring new ways to combat ticket fraud and improve security at live events.

The Future of Ticketmasters

À medida que avançamos para o futuro, a Ticketmaster continua a ser uma força dominante no mercado de ingressos, fornecendo acesso a milhares de eventos ao vivo em todo o mundo. Com uma combinação de inovação tecnológica e parcerias estratégicas, a empresa está bem posicionada para enfrentar os desafios e oportunidades que o futuro reserva.

Em resumo, a história da Ticketmaster é uma história de sucesso e inovação no mundo do entretenimento ao vivo. Desde seus humildes começos até se tornar uma das empresas mais reconhecidas e influentes em seu campo, a Ticketmaster transformou a maneira como os consumidores compram ingressos para eventos, deixando uma marca indelével no mundo do entretenimento ao vivo.

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