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Sua Marca nas Redes Sociais: Evite esses 4 erros

Your Brand on Social Media: Avoid these 4 mistakes

Sua Marca nas Redes Sociais: Evite esses 4 erros


There are many reasons why people follow your brand on social media, whether they like your products, want to know more about your services or simply want to have fun. Considering that more than half the world is active on these different platforms, it would be a shame not to take advantage of them to reinforce your brand image.

Be aware, however, that just being present is not enough to gain popularity and convert your followers. Some brands still make common mistakes that end up hurting them in the long run. Here are 4 of them and some tips for avoiding them!

01. Being everywhere

Just because your competitors are on every platform doesn't mean you should be too. Just like a business, every social network has its limitations and specific objectives. So there's no need to be in a place that doesn't contribute to your brand.

Before creating an account on a platform, ask yourself a few questions: what objective(s) can I achieve? Where are my target audiences? What do they want to see on my pages? These questions will allow you to establish a clear and well-thought-out content strategy, which should be your top priority.

02. Not knowing who your target audience is

Knowing our audience is fundamental to creating relevant content. Do you doubt that? In fact, it's the second leading cause of unsubscribes: 51% of internet users stop following a brand because the content published doesn't meet their needs or expectations. To generate interactions and maximize your engagement rate, it's essential to know who you're targeting.

Start by analyzing your statistics. This goldmine will reveal important information about your audience, from socio-demographic data (age, gender, city, etc.) to information about their interests. Next, build a persona (a fictional person who embodies these attributes and traits), and ask yourself what they would like to see in their news feed.

To do this, the Marketing management it's very important.

03. Not responding to feedback, whether positive or negative️

Even today, the word of mouth marketing remains among the most effective communication channels. Your customers represent your first ambassadors and not responding to their comments is a lack of attention and consideration. Your silence will also have a considerable impact on the customer experience and, ultimately, on sales.

To illustrate your desire to build and strengthen a relationship based on listening and trust, ask your customers to leave a comment about your business online. Be proactive too, by creating a community management strategy, for example. This will allow you to monitor the situation regularly and not miss an opportunity to respond to a review, thank the individual or propose an alternative solution, whatever the case may be.

04. Use a random frequency on social media

An inconsistent presence will cause you to lose visibility, because the algorithms will stop sending your content. In other words, your inconsistency will erase all the conversion efforts you've made. The opposite is also true: it's better to publish attractive content three times a week than boring content three times a day, otherwise your engagement rate will inevitably drop.

There is no magic formula, but creating a calendar and using a scheduling tool can help you find the right rhythm. Some posts will remain punctual depending on what's happening in the news, but in general you should be able to anticipate what content to share.

Knowing which social networks to be present on, what content to publish and when, is a challenge for many companies. That's why relying on the expertise of qualified professionals like those at Personaliza is the easiest way to make social media an ally of your brand, not an enemy. Don't waste time and contact us today!

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